Natural vegetable oils in uneven fight with acne

Acne can be inflammatory or not. It can appear with teenagers or adults. It can be caused by hormonal disorder or bad diet. In most cases we deal with common acne (acne vulgaris). Nonetheless, it does not change the fact that the problem must be cured! We introduce to you, best vegetable oils for acne.

In case of skin diseases you should use only natural substances. Chemical preparations and rough ingredients are not always effective here. They often cause irritations and overly dry skin, and that is the effect you want to avoid. Natural methods are much safer, and frequently very effective. In skin care of acne skin you should try oils.

Natural vegetable oils in uneven fight with acneCastor oil for acne

Properties of castor oil are well known to everyone. Beside properties described on the flyer, it also is great in hair care (accelerates growth, provides gloss) and skin care. It soothes irritations, and indicates anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Castor oil has complex influence on skin with acne, because it accelerates also healing of after acne wounds.

Tea tree oil for acne

This oil indicates number of properties, which are perfect for conditioning of acne skin. Tea tree oil has anti-septic, disinfecting, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. Its great quality is that it can be used on given spots (by applying with e.g. cotton bud) or on the entire face.

Pichta oil for acne

Well known oil among people dealing with acne is pichta oil. It has anti-inflammatory properties and eliminates acne. You can make compresses of pichta oil, which are particularly helpful with empyema and boil.

Argan oil for acne

The most popular oil in cosmetology is argan oil. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and number of ingredients with anti-bacterial properties. Argan oil is usually used on external skin changes, but it can easily be also ingested.

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